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About Us

The idea of Egalitarian ecovillage emerged out of a pursuit to find an alternative to patriarchal structures, and  inspire people and communities to examine how their life is entangled in these hierarchical structures.  
Contact us to learn more and get involved.

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Old Paper

The Theory



What do you mean by egalitarian?

You are only free when we are all free.

It means equal freedom and power for all. 

Freedom is a choice to take responsibility of our choices. 

We are all different and we all have equal decision making power.

Social, political and economical equality. 


Why a vision?

Imagine, experiment, succeed/fail, learn.

Because we need a vision for a sense of purpose,

as well as an ethical and moral guide. 


Why a different type of ecovillage?

Although we do not know all the different types of ecovillages out there, many intentional communities visited are very much still based on patriarchal and capitalist system. Either as eco-business or where some people are privileged members while others are not, or where one person or a family are owners of the land and tell the rest what needs to be done, or maybe they are just very unsustainable in their choices. The idea of the Egalitarian ecovillage is based on ancient cosmologies such as hunter/gatherer societies where everyone is equal and responsible and free. Where solidarity is used for co-creation and dissipates a "divide and rule" from any person. Radical responsibility means every decision is made with earth values first and deep understanding of where things come from, how are they used and where they go after, to make conscious choices.


What's wrong with western industrialized culture?

 Capitalist system creates profit at the expense of nature and working people, externalising costs of extraction, transport and waste on the expense of the environment and "poor"/most human/beings. Capitalism creates, feeds and is fed by addiction. If you haven't heard of the Anthropocene, check it out now.

The basis for the community is very much inspired by ecofeminism which is both an activist movement and theory creating. It sees the division between culture and nature at the base of other divisions between men (as culture creatures) and women (as nature). These divisions create a hierarchy, where everything "culture" and "masculine" is desirable while "nature" and "feminine" is inferior and needs to be shaped, used, extracted by "men" to be of any "value". This is seen as the basis of all isms, racism, speciesism, sexism, etc. This culture is a patriarchal culture which separates and divides and puts things into hierarchies, which is seen as the cause of the destructive relationship many humans currently have with earth. It is a "win/lose" culture,  big corporations win while other creatures lose their home, habitat, resources, etc. This causes dislocation which leads to an addiction to replace the lack of psychosocial-spiritual integration, which further feeds capitalism which is sustained by our addictions. (would there be a Tabaco industry without addiction? Even cocaine was found to be non-addictive in those rats who were not socially isolated) - more information coming soon. 


What do you mean by culture/nature dichotomy?

For example, wheat crops (cultivated crops "culture") are more valued in industrialized culture than "weeds" (uncultivated - the rest of nature), and are therefor removed to create monocultures. The problem arises as this kind of dived and control, reduces resilience and leads to ecosystem collapse, which doesn't even sustain the "useful" crop. This leads the need for a "technological fix", expansion or relocation (usually through acts of violence like pesticide, mining for artificial fertilizers, or/and war). Even "Nature" for natures sake always needs to be commodified in some way, national parks need to be "economically" viable by tourists or have other "benefits" like reducing erosion or maintaining water systems. The need for something to be of "utility" to humans rather than part of being in itself is a "left-hemisphere" way of thinking, which is the dominant way we are taught to perceive the world in the "western culture". The alternative is to re-establish a connection with nature, creating ecological knowledge that feeds and shapes human culture in symbiosis instead of current human action which is mostly parasitical- eventually killing the host which sustains it.


What about feminism, did it not over-through patriarchy?

The short answer is no, liberal feminism was an important movement for its time, however, what liberal feminism did is fight for women to reap an equal share of the benefits reaped by patriarchy. Feminist mission was to help woman escape from constraint of their biology, to become a man (contraceptive pills anybody?)*, for it is male activity that is creating values in patriarchy. However, in joining patriarchy on its own terms by becoming "like a man", women have not regained their own power as women, negating biological determinism but not biology itself. This can be seen especially in how society does not have allowances for menstrual cycles and other reproductive issues. women do not have equal responsibility for visioning the future, and "woman's work" like mothering is not valued equally or have the same status compared to other work . It also can be seen as "nature" is still seen as an extraction site for resources, rather than something to care for.

*contraceptive pills are highly damaging to human and non-human bodies, please stop trying to be a man and poisoning yourself and others.


Wont there be some technology to fix it all?

A culture that promotes freeing our bodies from the “limitations” of nature creates disconnection from the very web of life that sustains us. This longing for connection is slowly replaced by addictions, physical and behavioural (anyone knows someone addicted to worrying? Fighting with their partner?) Anything to feel alive, to feed the hungry ghost. Technological fixes are not only unsustainable and constantly need new technological fixes for the last one, they further alienate us from being embodied and embedded and really experiencing life with full awareness.


How can we change these destructive relationships? 

This is what we hope to achieve, first through awareness that these relationships exist and second through creating an alternative, a new culture. Fighting the existing patriarchal culture will not help because that is always within the patriarchal story and context. Every revolution as important as it might be, always reinstated the same structures with different people at the top, although with slightly better conditions for some on the expense of others.


More coming soon. questions and comments are welcome.

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