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In Practice

what might it look like?

First separate your shit form your food

This is the first principle mother taught us and we still haven't learned. Evidence: pollution. Everyone's heard of climate change, but pollution seems to be ignored somewhere in the periphery of pollution is bad but that's just the cost of living in a city.  Or plastic is terrible but It's a necessary evil for modern technology. The real affects are beyond comprehension plastic itself disrupts hormones, cancerogenic, lowers IQ (at least in fish), and is in everybody's blood stream. nothing too much to worry about right?
This is where radical responsibility comes, taking responsibility for everyone's actions even those who lived before you and after you. to make conscious choices now. This also refers to inner shit, thought and emotion, our external environment is a reflection of our inner environment.
we can start with compost toilets.

New Moon

The moon and menstruation are tightly linked, humans used to live in cycles (before artificial light), women would meet in their menstrual hut, synchronising menstrual flow, creating sex strikes in solidarity, so men can get their own act together to collaborate and dissipate hierarchies and power struggles. 
The egalitarian eco village will have four spaces, a woman's hut, a men's hut, a children hut, and a common space for consultation and decision making this will allow everyone's needs to be clarified from different perspectives which can be discussed without the influence of a "controlling other" and then brought together to synergize the best action for all in a circle.


Full Moon

Full moon is a time of brightness, clarity and celebration, music and dance around a fire, bringing excitement and high vibration for fun and healing.

Great Spirit, beyond institutional religion

You are not your body not your mind, You are the universe experiencing itself, pure consciousness at the essence, and you are embodied and embedded in complex adaptive eco-systems in human form shaping matter and thought. Self is all beings. The word religion literally means re-connect, re-connect to true undivided self, reconnect to each other as one. Many religions have become a tool of patriarchy (have you heard of the female pope?), organized religion no longer serves as a religion at all, but rather as a means to divide and separate. can we connect beyond addictive identities and addictive "religion"?

Sunflower Close Up

Decision making in circles not pyramids

Different but equal, Hierarchies lead to psychopaths and sociopaths in power. Decisions will be made non-hierarchically with those who will be affected by a decision having direct say on how to solve any issue. As a non-hierarchical ethos, all living beings (e.g. plants, animals, waters, earth etc.) will have equal rights for a regenerative, healthy future as important members of the community of life we all share. For this to be accomplished a complex adaptive systems thinking will be needed.

     Decisions will work with a framework of sociocracy.

Picking Apples in Orchard

Food Forests

Permaculture, for those who have not yet heard please look it up. The vision is to create a food forest that serves humans and wild animals combined with niche creation with rotating crops, fallows and sacred forests. Creativity is key, local ecological knowledge essential being part of and reading the concentric rings of the land.


Gift economy


The more that I give, the more I have to give, it's the way that we live, it's what we're living for.

We live in parallel economies, one of the gift the other of exchange. These economies create different relationships and communities, for an egalitarian community gift economy is vital. Through gift giving no one is rich and no one is poor, class is irrelevant and there is no value in hording, money, possessions or power . Through sharing you invest in the community which sustains you, through circular gift giving you have what you need and you are at source for fulfilling others needs.

Gift economy makes hierarchies irreverent, as the flow of resources doesn't get stagnated at the top to rot. Exchange economy is based on the gift, even if it denies the value of the gift.


Click here for more information.

Children playing
Children in the Garden

Children - Alloparenting

In patriarchal Western society Woman’s reproductive and nurturing role is culturally imposed it could be shared between the sexes and ages. The babysitting ape is us, this can be seen for example in egalitarian Bayaka hunter/gatherers where babies are held by anyone with hands and fed by anyone with a milk-producing tit, (they basically don't touch the ground for the first year of life, with so much attention they rarely cry for very long). why can't children have 10 mothers 12 fathers 50 grandparent's and 100 siblings?. more coming soon.

Free learning- No schools

more coming soon.


We are all mosaics of different "genders", although most will identify as female or male. Tow-spirited refer to non-binary gender variants, people who identify in this group are important in any community.  Being in-between reminding that biological gender does not determine social roles, they bridge between the genders for better communication and solidarity, and in many traditional communities are considered to possess shamanic powers.

Depending on their needs, two-spirited people can create their own spaces or join the spaces where they feel most comfortable.

Primitive skills - walking barefoot on the earth

When Survival is not a concern we can explore other dimensions of life. This is why "primitive" or primary skills are important for everyone. Light your own fire, build your own shelter, find food and water in any place. Walking barefoot on the earth, we learn we no longer need shoes to walk safely. Have you ever tried to walk barefoot for a week? a month? a year? Have you tried to light your own fire with nothing but the plants growing around you? This universe is not only your home it is an extension of your body, the trees are an extension of your lungs, the rivers your circulation, the stars-dust are the atoms that make you, the vibration is the energy that animates you, can we learn confidence in our own bodies?


The importance of synchronised vibration:


Music, singing and dancing together are an important part of creating a connected community.

Singing during daily activities, special celebrations, for transmitting local ecological knowledge and truths beyond logic.

Music is the communication of emotion, coming intuitively from the body mediated by the right-hemisphere.


Music's nature is non-competitive sharing.


Music in “capitalist western culture” seems to be mostly an individualistic or solitary experience, which is rare in human history. In traditional societies music plays an integral role in any ritual and in daily work and recreation, it is a shared performance not just something we listen to passively.


Music is important for connection with each other, during shared activities and feelings and sharing of the experience of being human. Capitalist society have transformed music into a competitive and specialist activity, consumed as a commodity, rather than a shared experience embedded and embodied throughout our day.



Self-sustainability through creativity and localisation, a regenerative culture

Blue Hummingbird

Lets keep it wild

No slaves, No Masters.

The problem with animal husbandry is immense, ethically, psychological and logistical.

For many an issue that seems to be ignored because they believe their dog/cat is their best friend, without examining the power hierarchies a need to control or other needs that are fulfilled by that relationship as a substitute for human connection.


This is not to say there is anything wrong with connecting to another species on equal/spiritual terms, however this is not usually the relationship with domestic animals. 


Domestic animals like pets have been the cause of many intentional communities to brake up, manly due to uncontrolled barking, biting, and defecation.

They also pose an issue affecting wild animals. 

There are over 27 billion domestic animals (e.g. cows, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, chicken, pigs etc.), which are pushing wild animals out of their habitat.


There are many ecovillages with pets and domestic animals.

 Lets create spaces to un-domesticate and re-wild ourselves, and allow wild animals their space. 

Sat on the Rocks

Initiations into responsibility, self-reliance and adulthood.

Community Garden

Back to the commons

The tragedy of the commons is not overexploitation, but their privatisation and enclosure.

A commons is a resource + a community + a set of social protocols to manage and organize a resource. 

enclosures separate governance and production which previously were participatory, commoners who managed the commons did both.

Today Markets are in charge of production and the State is in charge of governance.

more coming soon.

Vision quests, survival journeys,

 more coming soon

Seed Delivery

Seed Bank, Seed Library and Living diversity

To ensure plant diversity for the next generations for all species resilience. Making seeds available for local people and beyond.   

Holistic Education and Research Centre

Holistic education and research centre for holistic science, ecological knowledge, healing techniques, natural building, ecosystems regeneration, permaculture, herbal medicine, nature connection, creative arts, music, body work, dance, martial arts, yoga, meditation, acrobatics and much more.

Jungle Hut
Outdoor Class
Outdoors Acroyoga Session
Kids Reading Outdoor
Natural Herbs
Tai Chi Class
Forest Path

Sacred Forests

Unlike reserves which are closed or limited to humans, Sacred forests harness a deep connection with a place, allows space for forest spirits, safe spaces for animals and plants and a reservoir of biological diversity to learn from. They are a living seed bank, used for rituals and medicine. Stewardship and local custodians are in many cases essential for biodiversity. Having the correct relationship with other living beings, in reciprocity, instead of cutting ourselves out of these spaces, is essential.   

Virtual Reality


Shrinking the Technosphere 

It is self evident that humans are becoming cyborgs to some extent. Every technology used replaces human connection, knowledge of craft, and creates dependency. This doesn't mean abandoning all technology, as technology is integral to being human, however it means not following blindly the next technological fix or "advance". It means choosing technologies wisely, to avoid technocracy, enslavement and damage to health. Nature and community connection above internet and machine connection. 

Color Stain




Unresolved dependency on uppers or downers, plant based or other (including alcohol, marijuana, tobacco etc.) is not vibrationally conducive to healthy community. That being said, its hoped by creating a healthy community with socio-spiritual connection, the need for addictions will disappear as we create an environment that supports health. The medicinal use of plants to support physiology for those in need will be available, as well as occasional ceremonial use of plant-based spiritual teachers for those interested.


Ubuntu- I am because we are.

All my relations

The illusion of separation, creates disconnection from the abundant creativity of life. You are interconnected with all beings, your the breath of the trees, the rivers flow in your veins, your a community of microbes and every cell of your body is an ancient symbiotic congregation.

The web of life comes together to create habitability on earth.

Illusion of separation creates scarcity, fear and psychopathy.

Moving from a zero-sum game to a win-win game.

We must change the story of who we are to be healthy, understand how we are interconnected, so we promote the health of all our relations, for the next generations, from whom we borrow the earth. 


The naked Ape

Have you ever wondered why are we the only animal on earth wearing cloths? All the time?

We are born naked, we have no shame of our bodies until our culture tells us otherwise. 

There is nothing inherently sexual about nakedness, and it's covering has played a role in many suppressive doctrines, mostly in the narrative of oppression and sexualisation of woman.

There is no reason we need to wear plastic "clothing" to go swimming, there is no real reason for sweaty clothing on a very hot day.

There is no reason to be vitamin D deficient just because half of our bodies are covered when the sun is out.

Clothing are to keep us warm when its cold, since we don't have fur.

Not for creating shaming taboos.  


Healthy starts for healthy individuals and communities

1. Soothing Perinatal Experiences - include limited stress in pregnancy, no separation of baby from mom at birth, no painful procedures. 

2. On-request Breastfeeding occurs for several years.

3. Positive Moving (and no negative) Touch like carrying and 

rocking promote neurobiological health.
4. Positive Social Climate is a welcoming community culture. 

5. Self-Directed Social Play is free social play with multiple- aged playmates. 

6. Multiple Allomothers refers to responsive caregivers other than mothers (e.g., fathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles). 

7. Responsive Relationships keep baby contented while the brain rapidly develops, the foundation of healthy childhood growth. 

8. Nature Connection means developing caring relationships with the natural world of plants, animals and other entities. 

9. Healing Practices are made routine to mend old wounds.


More details on Evolved Nest website click here

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